With great solemnity, the EIFORCES’ 25 auditors of the 7th cycle of Higher Degree of Security Studies and the 21 trainees of the 10th cycle of Senior Staff Diploma of Security Forces received their graduation certificates during a grandiose ceremony presided over by Mr BETI ASSOMO Joseph, Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence, Chair of the EIFORCES Board of Directors (MINDEF/PCA).
Accompanied by his government counterparts, members of the diplomatic corps, authorities and a number of guests, MINDEF/PCA welcomed the new 25 BESS and 21 DEMFS graduates from Cameroon, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali and Senegal, who constitute “an additional solution to Africa’s security challenges”.
For BESS 8, a rendezvous has been made as of 26 September 2021 in Awaé, as part of the final migration of the School to its headquarters./-